Tuesday, July 9, 2024

How to define variable inlet velocity in SimScale in Transient analysis?

If your variable velocity can be represented by a series of constant values at specific time intervals, you can define a piecewise constant inlet boundary condition in SimScale. Here's the approach:

  • Divide the total simulation time into smaller time steps where the inlet velocity can be considered constant.
  • Set up a transient simulation in SimScale.
  • Under the boundary conditions section, define an inlet for the fluid domain.
  • In the inlet properties, you can specify the velocity value for each time step. SimScale will apply the specified velocity throughout that time interval.

Monday, July 8, 2024

"The job instance became unhealthy and the job was restarted" - what does it mean and how to deal with it?

 In SimScale, the message "The job instance became unhealthy and the job was restarted" indicates an issue with the cloud server running your simulation, not your simulation setup itself.

Sunday, June 30, 2024

Back to the roots #2 CFD - We blow the pipe (Buckle Up, Buttercup, It's Time to Ride the Air Highway!)

Imagine a world where air is the coolest roller coaster you've ever seen. No rickety tracks, no screaming kids (except maybe you, as a scientist), just pure, unadulterated airflow. That's basically what we're about to build in SimScale, folks – a virtual wind tunnel for a pipe!

SimScale Mesh Event Log Explained: Understanding Mesh Characteristics

The SimScale mesh event log provides valuable information about the characteristics of your mesh after the meshing process is complete. This information helps you assess the mesh quality and identify potential issues that might affect the accuracy and convergence of your simulation. Here's a breakdown of the key terms you'll encounter in the event log:

Mesh Refinements in SimScale

 Mesh refinements are a crucial tool in SimScale for controlling the density of your mesh in specific areas. This allows you to focus computational resources on critical regions where accurate capture of the physics is essential. Here's a breakdown of the key refinement parameters and when to use them:

SimScale Mesh Parameters Explained

 Here's a breakdown of the additional mesh parameters you mentioned in SimScale, along with explanations and guidance on when to use them:

Simulation Control in SimScale

 SimScale's simulation control settings allow you to define various aspects of how your simulation runs. These settings influence factors like accuracy, convergence, computational efficiency, and data output. Here's a breakdown of the key controls you mentioned:

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