Monday, June 17, 2024

Obstacles to overcome ... Duel on SimScale !!!

 Today I would like to present you a duel of two obstacles that will be overcome by invincible oil (properties and types are given below). We will check which obstacle is more effective in fighting with this fluid. Two analyzes (two obstacles) were performed as Incompressible Flow in SimScale.

Duel of Obstacles in SimScale 

We set the analysis as a steady state (1), while the turbulence model is defined as k-omega SST (1). As the fluid, we choose Oil with the properties given in the box (gray box -2).

Simulation settings and oil properties 

In both cases, our inlet is in the same place and oil flows out of it at a speed of 2 m / s (1). For both geometries, the outlet is also in the same place, defined as a pressure outlet with a value of 1 atm ABS.

Outlet and Inlet definition in SimScale 

Leave all residuals, relaxations (1) and steady state analysis settings in the default mode (2).

Settings of Steady State Incompressible Flow Analysis in Default Mode 

In the case of discretization, we also leave all settings at the default position (the slider at 5).

Regarding residuals, we see slight differences in the graph regarding the turbulence model (red omega curve).

Residuals for both cases 

In the case of velocity distributions on the cross-section, we can see slight differences, in particular, the maximum velocity values (figure below). Also, the formation of the oil discharge stream is slightly different in both cases.

Velocity Distribution on cross section for both cases 

For the Isosurface plot, it can be seen that for the smaller the range of velocity values, the shape of the formed space is a bit "sharper" in the case of a cuboidal obstacle.

Isosurfaces for both cases order for >2,8 m/s / 2,9 m/s 

The largest differences in value and distribution can be seen for the Turbulent Kinetic Energy parameter. For a rounded obstacle, the maximum value is almost two times lower. It can be considered that the more difficult to overcome, and therefore the winning one, is a rectangular obstacle.

Turbulent Kinetic Energy distribution on cross section in SimScale 

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