As I announced in the previous post, today there will be a duel for the same obstacles, while the player will be water. The main difference between these two liquids (water, oil) is the density and viscosity which has a fundamental influence on the formation of the forced stream that encounters obstacles.
Duel for water in SimScale |
The properties of a fluid that has been defined for the same two geometries with different obstacles are shown below.
Water properties defined for simulations |
As can be seen from the speed distribution below, the sharp edges of the obstacle make the water flow more violent. The total water stream reaches higher velocities for the JJ variant. Compared to the analyzes where we defined the oil, we can see greater differences in the distribution along with the decrease in the viscosity of the liquid.
Velocity distribution on cross section area for two analyzed variants. |
Fundamental differences can also be seen in the case of the generated kinetic energy in the formed water stream. Values higher by about 40% are achieved for the variant of a rectangular obstacle (figure below).
Kinetic energy distribution on cross section on analyzed variants |
The differences in the velocity of the formed stream can be seen more precisely if we generate Isosurfaces. The velocity of the generated stream for the condition > 2 m/s is presented below. As you can see, it can be concluded that the JJ variant causes higher flow velocities.
Isosurfaces of velocity values greater than 2 m/s in SimScale |
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